Mark Carson: Vocals / Percussion / Guitar 

Mark, as our lead singer, enjoys a wide range of music including Rock & Roll, Southern Rock and Country. When he’s not singing, he can be seen playing the Congas or strumming an acoustic guitar. As a performer, he mostly enjoys playing songs that make people want to dance. Other hobbies include, hunting, fishing, golf, bowling and boating. As a family man, he enjoys spending time with his wife, two kids and three grandkids. Rock on! 

Mike Ferrand: Guitar / Vocals

Mike brings his edgy guitar sound to the Jamokes with influences ranging from John Mayer, David Gilmour and Jeff Beck.  Early playing experiences range from a seminal County / Punk band with Tom Burdette to the award-winning ‘Down Home’ original bluegrass band.  More recently, Mike has joined classic rock bands ‘Relic’ and ‘The NoBS’ here in El Dorado county.  Always pushing creative boundaries he writes and records original music.

Mike Doran

Keyboards & Vocals

Brandy Lane

Bass Guitar & Vocals

Steve Preston

Drums, Percussion & Vocals

David Cullum
